Support for the public which can be advice, information, practical help, financial or potentially a combination (Queensland Government.2016).
When someone else takes care of someone you take care for, to offer a break to the caregiver (applies to family member stakeholder) (Queensland Government. 2016).
Providing housing that has a higher level of care for particular needs (disability focused) (Queensland Government.2016).
of the worlds population is disabled (United Nations. 2020)
80% of disabled individuals live in poverty (United Nations. 2020)
disabled people are 49% less likely to obtain a bachelors degree (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare .2022)
disabled individuals are twice as likely to register as unemployed (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare .2022)
In collaboration with other designers, C-Tact vision will become part of a wearable fashion line intended for Digital campuses. In order to successfully implement such drastic change to education will be done through business initiatives over the decades.
Initial development of the wearable line begins.
Potential manufactures and retailers are scouted for the wearable line.
QUT's learning staff are updated on the practices of creating educational content and resources for the new digital systems.
QUT CMS is also updated to house new types of learning resources.
QUT introduces the wearable line within its University Community, by marketing induvial products to their targeted users.
The wearable line is an established part of QUT culture and education, with All students using them to learn and collaborate.
Eye tracking software is utilized to navigate the interface, to offer more freedom from mobility impairments.
Students that would otherwise not have access to the physical classroom, can utilise virtual AR meetings. ignoring the difference in location, users can form a tangible presence in a space they don't occupy.
Pushing for AR teaching, course content has the freedom to be audio, visual or written format, allowing for content to fit student needs.
A.I is able to provide a level of independence through accessibility features. By offering real time captioning, text summarization and lip reading.